My last Game Guide and Review by id number was on
Neggsweeper. The next game going in id number order is
Snow Wars with an id number of 55. If you have a request for a guide on a specific Neopets game, then just comment on any of my game guide posts and I will put that on top of my list of games to review. When I do not have requests, then I will just continue going in order by id number.
Snow WarsThis is a Neopets themed Battleship type game. I love it more than battleship because of the snow theme. Yeah, being an Arizonian I kind of love the idea of snow. That and I have a passion (some may say obsession) with penguins that goes so far that I have an Antarctic/Penguin themed bathroom (ok, so yeah it may be an obsession because of this). Anyways, if you have not by now guessed my favorite area of Neopets is Terror Mountain and Snow Wars is among my favorite games. Now I do not get around to playing this one much, but I do enjoy rediscovering the thrill of this strategy game every once and a while.
Unlike real battleship you do not get to start by placing your things where you want them (check out Snow Wars II if you want to be able to do that), as they start out automatically generated in position. Thus you jump right into the game and start trying to find your enemies things. Personally I kind of like this because I take too much time deciding the best strategy of where to place my ships (seriously I almost drove the kid I babysit nuts the other day when we played battleship since I took so long to position my ships).
The objects you are looking for are 2 one space snowmen, 1 two space cannon, 1 two space snowball pile, 1 three space catapult, 1 four space big snowman, and 1 four space igloo. My strategy is to start at A1 and then guess every other square until I find everything. If I find something, I then just leave it and come back and finish attacking the rest of it after I find the other objects. The nice thing is you really know what you hit because it shows the part of it you hit unlike in real battleship where you then have to figure out what thing you hit. This every other space method tends to get everything, but sometimes at the end you have to start clicking the in between spaces to find the one space snowman or snowmen left.
Overall this is a nice game to play to get a trophy for your profile and for strategy game lovers like me. It is a little luck based finding the one space snowmen, but other than that it does involve mostly strategy. I like that it is just a click game and does not require flash because then I can play it on my slow old desktop and not have to play it on my laptop, which I have to do with most flash games.