Thursday, November 27, 2008

Game Master Challenge Day 3

1. Send Scores Challenge
Demanding As Completing A Secret Laboratory Map
Send your score in fifteen different qualifying Flash games.
Prize: Impressive-looking Certificate

2. Game Challenge
Don't Get Scooped!
Dodge the ice cream scoops and earn a score of 1500 on Ice Cream Machine.
Prize: Extordinary Ice Cream Cookbook

3. Random Challenge
Many Happy Returns
In game room search, enter a search term that gives at least 5 results. (Ball works good)
Prize: Daemon Goggles

4. Secret Game Challenge
Break The Ice
Guide Deiter past the Snow Wurms on the way to a score of 500 on Snowmuncher
Prize: Fluffy Dieter Plushie

5. Theme Challenge
Test The Waters
Get a score of:
* 150 in Mop 'n' Bop
* 50 in Tubular Kiko Racing
* 150 in Jubble Bubble
Prize: Orange Yurble Janitor Action Figure

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