Armada is one of the multiplayer board games that have monthly competitions. You can also play pick up games by hosting it or finding a host of the game. The problem with this game is that in both the monthly competition or in the pick up games most of the time the games are not completed. In my experience very rarely do I get a pick up game that even gets past the first turn and actually finishing a game is even rarer. This can be solved if you have a good neofriend to start a game with, who you know is likely to actually play the game with you. Also, in the monthly competitions once you get to the second or third round you will usually actually be against someone who wants to play the game.
In the game you start with two sets of pirate ships in opposite corners of the board. You will be either the black or white ships. If you are not sure which you are then just click on the pirate ships to try to move them. You will only be allowed to click and move your color ones.
The object of the game is to have the most pirate ships of your color when the board is filled up or someone can no longer make a move. To move your ships you can move one space or jump a square. If you move only one space, then you will actually create a new ship on that space and still have the ship on the original space. For jumping you can jump a square that is empty or has a ship. When you jump the ship you select moves and does not create a new ship piece. Whether you move only one space or jump all the pieces next to the space you land turn into your color ship. Of course, though, this only makes a difference when there are opponents pieces next to where you land and beware they can land nearby and end up changing them all or more back, so some strategy is definitely needed in this game.
Overall I like this game and used to do the monthly competitions all the time, but just have not had the time to commit to them lately. I try pick up games every now and then, but in the end they frustrate me because people do not ever make a move and/or they quit when you start to get a winning advantage. In a game like Armada, it definitely does not make sense to give up because many times I have seen the tides turn. Also, you will only learn to be a better Armada player if you stick to it and learn from better players. Lastly, it is just plain bad sportmanship to cancel a game just because you are losing and if you do it because it you have to go do something else please have the decency to neomail your opponent and tell them.
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