This is a luck game that costs 20 NP to play. To start you choose 1 of 8 players. The players are Thyassa the Chia, Brian the Scorchio, Gargarox Isafuhlarg, Farvin III Alien Aisha, Ember the Fire Faerie, Zargrold the COOL Grundo, Ursula the Usul, and Kevin the Korbat. I know a lot of people like to play as Thyassa because it says he is the champ at the game and they think they win more playing as him. Personally I have found it in the end really does not matter who you pick. I used to just go by which I thought look coolest, which happens to be Zargrold the COOL Grundo because he is blue and I like the color blue. Nowadays I like to just start my first game of the day as Thyassa and work my way down the list by changing characters each game. I do not think there is an advantage to being any one character, so in choosing characters my advice is to do whatever works best for you.
In the game you press the Next button when it is other people's turns. When it comes to your turn you select Wait 2, 3, 4, or 5 seconds. I like to just always select 2 seconds to make sure it does not burst on me. You get two times as many points as you hold the Gormball, i.e. 4 points for holding for 2 seconds and 10 points for holding for 5 seconds. You also earn a point when the ball skips you, which happens occasionally. You get another point each time the Gormball bursts on someone else.
Another way to earn points is the random bonuses that pop up throughout the game. Different Gormball Bonuses have different value ranges. It is the luck of getting these bonuses, along with the luck of winning the game, that gets you a high score. Some of the special bonuses include the Pink Gormball, Electric Gormball, and Fire Gormball.
Beware, though, one of the bonuses is a negative one. This is the Steel Gormball, which makes you lose points. This can only happens when your score is between 16 and 33, though.
The game ends for you when the Gormball bursts on you or you are the last one standing. Even if you lose you can still often win back your 20 Neopoints as the screenshot below shows.
If you win, though, you get a decent sized reward of your score being multiplied by 4 and getting a random item, although the items usually are not worth all that much, but somethings they may sell for a couple 1,000 Neopoints.
Overall I like playing Gormball every once in a while. It is not exactly an exciting flash game, but it is still enjoyable. It is also one of the games that really is luck and not the stupid flash games that are skill, but end up luck based to get the high score, which have been annoying me lately. I much prefer the games that are outright luck games like this.
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