Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014 Wrap Up

Total Neopoints: 28,326

Batttledome Items (3)
  1. Holiday Nova (3rd)
  2. Ornament Launcher (18th)
  3. Glowing Snow Wurm (31st)
Book Items (13)
  1. 101 Candy Cane Recipes (3rd)
  2. Dreaming of a Floating Christmas (4th)
  3. Sugar Rush (5th)
  4. Setting A Table Quickly (6th)
  5. Booth Repair Manual (7th)
  6. Sleep Well, A Holiday Tale (11th)
  7.  How to Make a Headstone (12th)
  8. 100 Mummy Dance Moves (13th)
  9. Your Coal is Now Diamonds (15th)
  10. Tropical Holiday Carols (17th)
  11. Awkward Social Functions and YOU (21st)
  12. Casual Class Warfare (27th)
  13. Sculpting Food Holiday Edition (29th)
Food Items (15)
  1. Slightly Trampled Omelette (10th)
  2. Embalming Fluid Cocktail (13th)
  3. Moltaran Buzz Candy Cane (15th)
  4. Pirate Ship Holiday Cake (16th) 
  5. Tropical Cybunny Fruit Salad (17th) 
  6. Seaweed Shell Salad (18th)
  7. Red Kiko Snow Cone (19th) 
  8. Mugless Iced Coffee (20th)
  9. A Hearty Meal (25th)
  10. Biscuit Kau Biscuits (26th)
  11. Snorkle Brand Bacon (26th) 
  12. Half Full Glass of Lemonade (27th)  
  13. Wedding Cake (28th)
  14. Abominable Fruitcake (29th) 
  15. Holiday Vandagyre Cookie (30th) 
Gift Items (8)
  1. Orange You Surprised? Card (1st)
  2. Happy Pound Artwork (2nd)
  3. Skating Bruce Music Box (5th)
  4. Sand Dung Mould (9th) 
  5. Brightvale in December Postcard (14th)
  6. Carved Candle Dress Candle (21st)
  7. Instant Santa Suit (23rd) 
  8. Wedding Invitations (28th)
Neocash Items (2)
  1. Dyeworks Holiday Hue Brew Potion (21st)
  2. Rainbow Drape Dress (21st)    
Petpet (1)
  1. Gingerbread Dandan (22nd)
Petpet Supplies (1)
  1. Gingerbread Dandan Chew Toy (22nd)
Plushies (7)
  1. Postal Weewoo Plushie (8th)
  2. Darigan Postal Weewoo Plushie (8th)
  3. Sand Star Plushie (9th)
  4. Winter Shoyru Plushie (20th) 
  5. Inadvertent Santa Plushie (23rd) 
  6. Dr Landelbrot Plushie (24th)
  7. Surfing Vandagrye Plushie (30th)
Toy Items (8)
  1. Rosie Dartboard (2nd)
  2. Fallen Faerieland Snowglobe (4th)
  3. Food Cannon (6th)
  4. Your Very Own Booth (7th)
  5. Angry Sabre-X Action Figure (10th) 
  6. Red Kiko Mylar Balloon (19th)
  7. Porcelain Snowflake (25th) 
  8. Glowing Neopet Mobile (31st)
Wearable Items (7)
  1. Lava Contacts (1st)
  2. Flower of Remembrance (11th)
  3. MAGAXs Menacing Sledgehammer (12th)
  4. Festive Book Tree (14th) 
  5. Pirate Attack Silhouette Foreground (16th)
  6. Rainbow Drape Dress (21st)
  7. Discarded Tree Foreground (24th)

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 31

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 31st day of the Advent Calendar are 1500 Neopoints, Glowing Neopet Mobile (Toy), and Glowing Snow Wurm (Battledome).

The candy cane hidden in today's animation is being held by one of the glowing Neopets.
Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 30

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 30th day of the Advent Calendar are 647 Neopoints, Surfing Vandagrye Plushie (Plushie), and Holiday Vandagyre Cookie (Food).
The candy cane hidden in today's animation is ???. (It's currently not loading.)

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Monday, December 29, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 29

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 29th day of the Advent Calendar are 728 Neopoints, Abominable Fruitcake (Food), and Sculpting Food Holiday Edition (Book).

The candy cane hidden in today's animation is ???. (It's currently not loading.)

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 28

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 28th day of the Advent Calendar are 384 Neopoints, Wedding Invitations (Gift), and Wedding Cake (Food).

The candy cane hidden in today's animation is on the tree he crashes into.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 27

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 27th day of the Advent Calendar are 948 Neopoints, Casual Class Warfare (Book), and Half Full Glass of Lemonade (Food).

The candy cane hidden in today's animation is ???. (It's currently not loading.)

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Friday, December 26, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 26

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 26th day of the Advent Calendar are 827 Neopoints, Biscuit Kau Biscuits (Food), and Snorkle Brand Bacon (Food).

The candy cane hidden in today's animation is on the plate of cookies.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 25

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 25th day of the Advent Calendar are 4000 Neopoints, A Hearty Meal (Food), and Porcelain Snowflake (Toy).
The candy cane hidden in today's animation is on the first tree he makes.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 24

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 24th day of the Advent Calendar are 2330 Neopoints, Discarded Tree Foreground (Wearable), and Dr Landelbrot Plushie (Plushie).
The candy cane hidden in today's animation is on the first tree he makes.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 23

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 23rd day of the Advent Calendar are 583 Neopoints, Inadvertent Santa Plushie (Plushie), and Instant Santa Suit (Gift).

The candy cane hidden in today's animation is in the bag of tools.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Monday, December 22, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 22

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 22nd day of the Advent Calendar are 788 Neopoints, Gingerbread Dandan Chew Toy (Petpet Supplies), and Gingerbread Dandan (Petpet).

The candy cane hidden in today's animation is the table.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 21

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 21st day of the Advent Calendar are 662 Neopoints, Awkward Social Functions and YOU (Book), Carved Candle Dress Candle (Gift), Dyeworks Holiday Hue Brew Potion (Neocash Item) and Rainbow Drape Dress (Wearable Neocash Item).

The candy cane hidden in today's animation is the table.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 20

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 20th day of the Advent Calendar are 910 Neopoints, Mugless Iced Coffee (Food), and Winter Shoyru Plushie (Plushie).

The candy cane hidden in today's animation is on the door.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Friday, December 19, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 19

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 19th day of the Advent Calendar are 820 Neopoints, Red Kiko Mylar Balloon (Toy), and Red Kiko Snow Cone (Food).

The candy cane hidden in today's animation is being held by the snow Kiko.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 18

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 18th day of the Advent Calendar are 491 Neopoints, Ornament Launcher (Battledome), and Seaweed Shell Salad (Food).
The candy cane hidden in today's animation is on the tree.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Neopets Better Than You: Snow Wars II

This week's Better Than You features The Snowman. Below is his challenge statement.

"I slipped into this field to take a long winter's nap, when suddenly catapults started lobbing snowballs at me! The Grundos are hastily putting up fortifications, but I'm sure you can do better."

To beat her you must get 4,000 points in Snow Wars II.

Prize is Snowy Cottage Background for the 500 winners. Additionally, you get a Gold Trophy and 20,000 Neopoints if you are one of the first 10, Silver Trophy and 10,000 Neopoints if you are between the 11th and 50th, and a Bronze Trophy and 3,000 Neopoints if you are between 51st and 500th.

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 17

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 17th day of the Advent Calendar are 598 Neopoints, Tropical Cybunny Fruit Salad (Food), and Tropical Holiday Carols (Book).

The candy cane hidden in today's animation is on a headdress.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 16

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 16th day of the Advent Calendar are 903 Neopoints, Pirate Attack Silhouette Foreground (Wearable), and Pirate Ship Holiday Cake (Food).

The candy cane hidden in today's animation is on top of a present.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Monday, December 15, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 15

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 15th day of the Advent Calendar are 749 Neopoints, Your Coal is Now Diamonds (Book), and Moltaran Buzz Candy Cane (Food).
The candy cane hidden in today's animation is on the conveyor belt near the end.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 14

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 14th day of the Advent Calendar are 596 Neopoints, Festive Book Tree (Wearable), and Brightvale in December Postcard (Gift).

The candy cane hidden in today's animation is on the book tree.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 13

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 13th day of the Advent Calendar are 679 Neopoints, Embalming Fluid Cocktail (Food), and 100 Mummy Dance Moves (Book).
The candy cane hidden in today's animation is in a bowl on the table.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Friday, December 12, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 12

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 12th day of the Advent Calendar are 981 Neopoints, MAGAXs Menacing Sledgehammer (Wearable), and How to Make a Headstone (Book).

The candy cane hidden in today's animation is on the ground in front of the headstone.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 11

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 11th day of the Advent Calendar are 842 Neopoints, Sleep Well, A Holiday Tale (Book), and Flower of Remembrance (Wearable).

The candy cane hidden in today's animation is in the basket of a statue.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Neopets Better Than You: Snowball Fight

This week's Better Than You features Lewis. Below is his challenge statement.

"Being an Abominable Snowball is a wretched existence at the best of times, but last week I accidentally wandered into the Snowball Fight fields. Of course I was mistaken for ammo and thrown several times. I have returned to get my revenge, mwahahaha!"

To beat her you must get 725 points in Snowball Fight.

Prize is Pebble Snowball for the 500 winners. Additionally, you get a Gold Trophy and 20,000 Neopoints if you are one of the first 10, Silver Trophy and 10,000 Neopoints if you are between the 11th and 50th, and a Bronze Trophy and 3,000 Neopoints if you are between 51st and 500th.

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 10

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 10th day of the Advent Calendar are 609 Neopoints, Slightly Trampled Omelette (Food), and Angry Sabre-X Action Figure (Toy). Of course, also the typical Rod of Supernova being stolen by the Pant Devil.

The candy cane hidden in today's animation is in a on the ground after they crash.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 9

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 9th day of the Advent Calendar are 566 Neopoints, Sand Star Plushie (Plushie), and Sand Dung Mould (Gift).
The candy cane hidden in today's animation is in a on the palm tree.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Monday, December 8, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 8

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 8th day of the Advent Calendar are 750 Neopoints, Postal Weewoo Plushie (Plushie), and Darigan Postal Weewoo Plushie (Plushie).
The candy cane hidden in today's animation is in a on the King's throne.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 7

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 7th day of the Advent Calendar are 839 Neopoints, Your Very Own Booth (Toy), and Booth Repair Manual (Book).

The candy cane hidden in today's animation is in a on the wheel when the second Neopet (Pteri) throws a dart at it.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Neopets Advent Calendar 2014: Day 6

Remember to visit Neopets every day in December, as the Advent Calendar in Happy Valley gives out a prize.

The prizes for the 6th day of the Advent Calendar are 900 Neopoints, Setting A Table Quickly (Book), and Food Cannon (Toy).
The candy cane hidden in today's animation is in a on the table in the bottom right corner at very beginning of the animation.

Did you remember to claim today's prizes? What are your thoughts on the Advent Calendar today?