Monday, October 1, 2007

10/1 Gaming Log Part 1

Here are my scores from this morning trying for monthly trophies.

Please feel free to comment and share your scores and games for the day as well as ask questions about Neopets games and I will try to help you out.

Typing Terror

Score 1: 2,978 points 1,000 Neopoints
Score 2: 3,060 points 1,000 Neopoings
Score 3: 3,194 points 1,000 Neopoints
Total Neopoints: 3,000

Trouble at the National Neopian
Score 1: 1,360 points 1,000 Neopoints
Score 2: 1,135 points 1,000 Neopoints
Score 3: 2,115 points 1,000 Neopoints
Total Neopoints: 3,000

Bouncy Supreme
Score 1: 3,369 points 1,000 Neopoints
Score 2: 3,612 points 1,000 Neopoints
Score 3: 8,993 points 1,000 Neopoints
Total Neopoints: 3,000

Chemistry for Beginners
Score 1: 720 points 1,000 Neopoints
Total Neopoints: 1,000

Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars
Score 1: 852 points 1,000 Neopoints
Score 2: 782 points 1,000 Neopoints
Total Neopoints

200m Peanut Dash

Score 1: 800 points 640 Neopoints
Score 2: 840 points 672 Neopoints
Total Neopoints: 1,312

Extreme Potato Counter
Score 1: 85 points 850 Neopoints
Score 2: 100 points 1,000 Neopoints
Score 3: 96 points 960 neopoints
Total Neopoints: 2,810

Total Neopoints this Log: 16,122
Total Today: 16,122

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