Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Game Guide and Review: The Neopian Lottery

My last Game Guide and Review by id number was on Snow Wars. The next game going in id number order is The Neopian Lottery with an id number of 58. If you have a request for a guide on a specific Neopets game, then just comment on any of my game guide posts and I will put that on top of my list of games to review. When I do not have requests, then I will just continue going in order by id number.

The Neopian Lottery

This is not much of a game, but it is what is one of the luck games. Basically all you do is purchase a ticket for 100 Neopoints. You select six different numbers between 1 and 30. The winner is the one (or ones) that match the most of the numbers drawn in the daily lottery. The winners often get a good haul of Neopoints, but since it is luck based you are not lucky to win often. I think this is a pretty boring game and a waste of Neopoints, so I never go here except today as it popped up as the next game to review.

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