Tuesday, April 28, 2009

PetPet Park in Beta Testing

Today I was able to get into PetPet Park beta, which is basically a more immersive Neopets revolving around PetPets instead of Neopets. It kind of reminds me of online game communities like Club Penguin and the now gone Virtual Magic Kingdom. It is a separate account with Petpet Points instead of Neopoints. There are about ten games to play in PetPet Park.

One of the ones I played was Blocktacular, which is a fun Destruct-o-match type game. You are supposed to get PetPet points from the games that you can then spend in the shops, however it seems like they do not actually update your point balance right away, as it kept saying 0 until I logged in again and ended up with my points. I guess it is still a little glitchy, but it is kind of a new different experience, however I think I still like the classic plain old Neopets better.

Anyways there still are some fun unique games to enjoy, though. One of those is PetPet Boogie, which is kind of like Dance Dance Revolution. This one seemed very laggy, though, and gets frustrating because of missing beats due to the lag issue.

Have you played in PetPet Park? Do you have a favorite game in PetPet Park?

1 comment:

kallalilygreenleaf said...

i love Blocktacular too. i also like stack happy