Friday, March 27, 2009

New Game: Barf Boat

Neopets latest game has been released. The newest game is called Barf Boat. It is basically a balance game kind of like the Penguin game on Wii Fit. You try to keep the boat level to keep the petpets from falling off. It is pretty darn hard. More petpets come if you last long enough, but do not worry if some fall off, as the game continues as long as you keep one on board. There really is not that much of a disgusting aspect like the name suggests except that when you do get game over the Captain barfs to the front of the screen with the words Game Over. The ship does rock back and forth as you balance it, so I guess it could perhaps be a bad game for those with motion sensitivity issues. Overall I think it is not too bad of a game, but it can get frustrating to have the patience to get the hang of how to balance it to keep the petpets from falling off right away.

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