Wednesday, April 2, 2008

4/2 Gaming Log Part 1

Please feel free to comment and share your scores and games for the day as well as ask questions about Neopets games and I will try to help you out.

Imperial Exam
*Today's Double Neopoint Game
**I got to stop playing these annoying games that I can consistently beat, but never get a high enough score for the high score board. It is just so frustrating that it is in the end based on luck that you are given enough bad spellers to turn away to score enough points to get a high score.
Score 1: 1,125 points 2,000 Neopoints
Score 2: 1,220 points 2,000 Neopoints
Score 3: 1,250 points 2,000 Neopoints
Total Neopoints: 6,000

Total Neopoints this Log: 6,000
Total Neopoints Today: 6,000

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