Sunday, April 20, 2008

Game Guide and Review: Alien Aisha Vending Machine

My last Game Guide and Review by id number was on Cliffhanger. The next game going in id number order is Alien Aisha Vending Machine with an id number of 36. If you have a request for a guide on a specific Neopets game, then just comment on any of my game guide posts and I will put that on top of my list of games to review. When I do not have requests, then I will just continue going in order by id number.

Alien Aisha Vending Machine

The Alien Aisha Vending Machine is a luck based game. To play you need a Nerkmid, which can be a costly item to purchase, although occasionally you may get one as a random event. I have gotten several of them over the years playing on Neopets. I have used them in the Vending Machine a few times, but in the end it would have been better to just sell the Nerkmid. Those who are lucky may end up with something worthwhile. The prizes tend to be food items that sometimes can be rare. You also always get some Neopoints. The food items are usually worthless gross food, however, sometimes it is rare food. The real rare prizes that are worthwhile that you can win are paintbrushes.

When you put a Nerkmid in the machine you make several choices on how to play the machine such as which large button to push and how many levers to pull.

Basically I do not find this game worth playing, but if you like being a risk taker than go for it. Doing it at least once can be a good idea because you get an avatar.

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